The beginnings of Cardboard TearDrop #2. This time, it's going to be a 5x8.
I'm practicing on the same borrowed 5x10 cargo trailer as last time. I hope Orejano isn't looking at this page.
Stapled the cardboard up, and then cut it. Try THAT with plywood! :-) These fridge boxes are great! After opening, they are 6x12.
After cutting & mounting the cardboard pieces, I took them all off again for the 2 hour freeway trip to Oceanside.
The first time out of the yard! We're on our way to the SPAMBOREE!
No offense intended, but this is loosely based on the "RockHopper" design that Mike S did. Mine is 5' wide x 4' tall x 8' long floor & roof. The sides are longer than 8' due to the added style. The cargo trailer is 5x10.
Louise & are both wildly happy that we have something to take to the Spamboree. We stopped at the local grocery store on the way to restock on Spam, as Louise used some last night creating a new Spam dish for the contest. it's a foggy Saturday morning.
We arrived at the Spamboree around 10:30am on Saturday 9/20/03.
With the driving behind us, it's time to reassemble the cardboard walls & roof.
It doesn't take long to "build" a trailer this way!
I discovered that the staples were too short to penetrate 2 layers of cardboard and still stick into the wood.
The counter top is 44" front to back, about 22" high. I didn't quite get the math right when buying the planks. Oh well. it's ok.
Rod & Jerry Atchley visit
Louise chops home-grown tomatoes & home grown basil for a refreshing tomato-basil salad for the potluck dinner. I really liked it.
We had to use something to step up. Because this trailer has *@#$*% sides. Getting in & out was trickier than I expected.
2 doors in the rear. If the trailer was as high off the ground as I'd like; the bottom door would swing clear of the ground, no problem.
And now on to the photos of other people's trailers!
This galley lid is REALLY CURVED!
This one collapses to half height for travelling.
This was a factory demo, done in miniature.
Self portrait on a sunny California Saturday afternoon at the wine tasting party down the street.
The potluck turned out really good. Especially if you liked salads.
Louise wins the Spamboree FIRST PLACE dish! Damian presents the 2003 trophy for "Recipies of Distinction, Grand Champion".
Her winning dish was turkey spam, whizzed in the food processor with cranberry sauce & pesto, served on little squares of pumpernickel bread. About half were also spead with Vleveeta cheese. It had a nice eye opening flavor.
Louise is the Grand Champion!!!
"Can I touch it?" From left to right, 1st, 2nd, 3rd. (We finally got them to line up right!)
Luis won twice! Each raffle prize was a pair of these lanterns.
Dave & Louise on Sunday morning. We slept great in our Casa De Cardboard!
Luis & his trailer.
I miss the old "Laugh in" show!
I kind of liked this window!
Because I opted for the angled front instead of a curve, it makes a nice place to lean back & relax. This was a key discovery!!! If I do use a curved front, I will make the curve center this high.
If you're going to live in a box, it might as well be a nice one!
The view from inside
This is the rear view mirror view of a 5 foot wide trailer behind a Jeep Wrangler. Not bad.